
Friday, October 20, 2017

Miss Journee 🌷

WALT: write a qautrain

                                                           Miss Journee  🌷

Oh ravishing Miss Journee 
You remind me of a bouquet!
You smell like a Lilly
Ok that's a bit silly!

Miss  Journee you're ever so sweet
You're like an agglutinated lollipop!
Sometimes you remind me of a parakeet 
You belong in a cake shop!

Oh courteous Miss Journee 
I hope you have had a great day!
You belong on broadway 
You remind me of a ice cream sundae!

Miss Journee you're lovely like a blossom 
You bloom all your effulgent colours!
And I think everyone agrees because 
Miss Journee you're really just awesome!

By Saskia